Sunday, September 14, 2008

Google Reader, Or How Web 2.0 is Ruining My Life

After months of holding back from using a blog aggregator to serve my internet readings, I took the plunge and activate my Google Reader account. The choice was an easy one to make because I rely on google for pretty much everything, including this little blog. I've been familiar with RSS feeds for a couple of years now but I've never felt the need to make any use of them. The stand alone readers I've come across never really did anything for me, because I prefer staying in my browser if I can. I recall preferring Safari's take on in browser rss feeds over firefox, but never took advantage of it beyond the level of curiosity.

Enter Google Reader. This is something that I admit I completely missed the boat on. If I'd know the amount of functionality and stability present, I'd have been using it for months. One of the great things its doing is allowing me to keep up on blogs that are in my bookmarks menu that I look at seldom, if ever. Considering most of them are still active with multiple posts daily, there's a lot I'd be missing out on without Google Reader. Now those blogs live in a folder in my reader account, and its so much easier to look through the post titles in list view than it is to open 15 tabs in firefox to read the same amount of info.

It's easy to see now how the über-bloggers manage to keep track of so much information. So while I'm wasting my time on my computer reading way too many articles, they're being served to the nifty little applet over there on the side bar. See it, isn't it pretty.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's about time. What took you so long? The first iteration of Google Reader was barely usable, but it's since become one of the best, if not the best, RSS reader. If you have a lot of feeds, it can make your life a lot easier and save you a lot of trips to the same sites to see what's new.