Saturday, August 16, 2008

B-Movie Marathon: Westworld

Westworld (1973) James Brolin stars in 1973's Westworld in my second entry in this weekends B-Movie Marathon. Again, thanks to my Roku Player this little gem is a great piece of 70s scifi.

I had never seen this before today, probably because it came out 13 years before I was born, but it is definitely one of my favorites from the era. Its filled with lots of suspense inducing clichés, with lots foreshadowing of all the bad shit that goes down.

Like most things I like from the 70s, Westworld was parodied by The Simpsons. The Simpsons have a habit of doing this; familiarizing me with pieces of culture years before I otherwise would have heard/seen them. Examples include Soylent Green, The Omega Man, All the President's Men and the list really could go on a lot further (I'd of course, have to consult my local library).

So, another movie in set in the future, this time with customized vacations complete with robots! These vacations are set in a variety of themes including, you got it, Western World! James Brolin, et al., go to western world and interact with the cast of robotic western staples like the man without a name gunslinger, western bartender in bowler hat and bodiced and corseted robot hookers.

But behind the scenes the guys in the white coats who keep things running start noticing that things are starting to be a little glitchy in their theme parks. When your robot snakes start attacking guests, you should really considering closing up for a few weeks to figure things out. If you ignore my advice, you get a robots-against-James Brolin scenario. Typical for scientists to eff things up like this. No wonder why people think that the LHC is going to create a black hole.

And the movie marathon continues!

I'm probably going to take a break for a little bit, recharge with some beer and dinner and then get started watching some totally awesome flicks. Next up is Brian Bosworth's pseudo-nazi-biker-gang-of-drug-dealers ass kicking Stone Cold from 1991. One of my all time favorites!

And here's a screen grab from The Simpsons episode I mentioned.

The Simpsons vs. Westworld:

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