Thursday, October 23, 2008

I'm still alive, but my google reader wouldn't know

So I've been working like an animal at a job I don't like, and I've been letting it get the best of me. I've had to put my other projects on hold, including my blog. It was hard enough to hash out the two posts I made yesterday, which feel a bit strained. I was just at a loss to talk about anything but receiving dozens of boxes of American Apparel clothing or interviewing way too many job applicants in a downturned economy. The latter of which really sucks, by the way.

I've retreated back into things that I know make me comfortable: There's a pawed, dog-eared copy of The Long Goodbye sitting on the nightstand and The Empire Strikes back was in the background of my linux hobby-ing last night. But for today I'm trying to branch out a bit by watching some cable tv, something which I haven't made any effort to do in a long time.

So, I watched Countdown with Keith Olbermann while I was cooking dinner (wow, never thought I'd write the second half of that sentence), and now I'm really enjoying The Rachel Maddow Show. I've caught it once or twice before, and her style of punditry is refreshing. Also, the New York Times wrote this piece about her the other day, hence my going out of the way to view this tonight.

For now I'm looking forward to the weekend and somewhere lurking in the future is the return of normalcy in my work life. The colors have been changing, and I'd like to get out and I shoot some more pictures this weekend.

Oh, and Amy and I have been together for two years today. I love you monkey :)

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