Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A Valid Reason to Hate Internet Explorer

So there are lots of things that have bugged me for a long time about Internet Explorer. Once Microsoft's flagship product, it really did herald in the internet sans AOL keywords for my generation and is the default browser for the worlds most ubiquitous OS. But over time, Internet Explorer refused to change along with the internet as it presented new standards and an increased demand for functionality.

While the end-users wanted attractive, easy to use layouts, colors fonts and GUIs, the coders and web designers demanded a structure that was easy to code and parse while scalable. This inherent clashing led to the splintering of web standards, rendering engines and eventual cross browser compatibility. Presently, there are two major divisions and several smaller ones between how browsers render web pages: safari, firefox, opera et al handle the majority of tags and css fairly similarly, but with a few minor differences; Internet Explorer chooses to do whatever the fck it wants with your html and css.

Even though the browser has recently adapted to be more compliant in general, the fact remains that its really wasting my time right now having to research work arounds for things that look perfectly normal in firefox and safari. The only time that I have to use ie is at work, but thats because I prefer the functionality & look of my company's webmail because it was written for Internet Explorer.

Bad standards acceptance makes me a sad panda.

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